Аbout Tamashi brand

Tamashi motor oil history had started in Japan in 2020. A group of Japanese engineer-chemists scientists had been providing tribology and lubricants formulations researches for many years was looking for investments for developments. Vertex Group had become one of the main investors and gained access to advanced scientific developments and lubricants formulations.

In 2022, a joint decision was made to launch the premium line of oils under the Japanese brand Tamashi. “Tamashi” translation from Japanese means “soul”. The name was not chosen by chance. Japanese scientists invested their entire soul and knowledge into development of ultramodern formulations of oils, thereby emphasizing that the oil goes into the "heart" of the car and takes care of its "soul".

Why was Japan selected for oil formulations development? It is simple. Japan is known world-wide due to high quality standards, strict laws and norms of safety and quality regulations, which especially affects the niche of car oil production. Most of the scientific and research centers involved in development in the field of tribology are concentrated in Japan. Chemists use only modern advanced technologies, high-quality ingredients in the oil formulations in the world market. Japanese scientists seek to create oils that provide better engine protection, reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions of harmful substances. A wide range of products allows you to choose oil that is ideal for motorists and meets their requirements and budget. Environmental friendliness of oil allows you to reduce the emission of harmful substances and atmosphere damage. The Japanese motor oils production quality is world-wide appreciated, making Japan the perfect place to create new motor oils formulations.
Tamashi motor oil history
Blending platforms meeting requirements of Japanese colleagues and able to repeat completely the original patented formulations for lubricants were found in Russia in 2023. Motor oil production in Russia allows to control better and satisfy the market needs of Russia. A joint venture helps to make motor oil more feasible for consumers by reducing production and logistics costs and products quality improvement. The proximity to the consumer makes it possible to comply with the production technologies conditions and guarantee a stable products quality.
Tamashi premium oil line launch in Russia
The Japanese company controls the production of its oil in Russia through official representatives who are situated at the factories and monitor all production processes. Japanese company engineer-chemists are experts and have extensive experience in the production of oils. Japanese colleagues monitor each stage of production, starting with the acceptance of basic oils and additives till the finished product issue. At least 8 laboratory tests and fierce quality control are provided during each production stage. Finalized products are sent on an ongoing basis to the laboratories, including Japan, certified by ISO and ESTM.
Oil production control in Russia
Tamashi brand is the key to confidence in the invariable quality and the constancy of Japanese formulations and imported additives. This is a reliable, high-quality and effective solution for your car engine performance protecting and maintaining. You will receive reliable engine protection, better performance and a longer service life of your car choosing Tamashi oil. Tamashi branded products are produced in Russia by international company named United Petrochemicals (UPEC*) by request and under control of Vertex Group, complies with world quality standards.

"Open up new horizons for your car with unique engine oil produced according to advanced technologies and highest Japan standards. Our product provides the best engine protection and maximum performance, which will allow your car to operate at full power in any conditions. Reliability, quality and innovative technologies – that’s what makes Tamashi oil an ideal choice for your car. Overcome the limits with Japanese Tamashi Motor oil today! ”
Tamashi brand quality and reliability
A constant desire for perfection and assessment of value for the consumer allows to introduce highly effective operations and processes to achieve the best quality.

All products comply with modern automobile components requirements and are produced around the world by the best accredited by OEM standard production facilities.

Each plant has international ISO 9001 management assessment and IATF 16949 product quality standard certificates. IATF 16949 certificate guarantees reliability, stability and high-quality products at the international level. Certificate means product admission to the first conveyor assembly. This standard is designed for the automotive industry based on ISO 9000 standards.

A distinctive feature of the Tamashi brand is attractive pricing in full compliance with the requirements of international OEM standards - that makes the brand products a boon to consumer!

The slogan Japan Technology fully corresponds to Tamashi brand philosophy. Perfect technologies and a unique formulation, multiplied by high standards - distinguishes Tamashi products from existing analogues.

Tamashi brand provides product quality at the highest level, fully complies with the requirements of car producers and exceeds similar products of world brands.

Tamashi - the path to perfection in the automotive industry
1. Premium formulations for lubricants and technical fluids based on technologies, basic oils and additives of leading world chemical concerns.
2. Outstanding characteristics confirmed by independent test centers.
3. Multi-stage quality control of each batch both during production process and in the laboratory.
4. A wide range of lubricants and technical fluids that meet the requirements and specifications of all modern car producers.
5. The constant availability of products and the wide geography of its distribution.
Key advantages